As usual...it was a busy week for all of us in the F1VEart Studio & Gallery. We had a wonderful event on Friday night, well attended by new and dear friends alike, buyers and admirers and just a wonderful time had by all. It was well worth the extra effort to work together (the easy part), clean up the studio, add new art on our studio walls and create a really nice event. We even had a specialty drink served by our lovely bartender Savanah... Infused Muse...it was deliciously inspired!
A big thank you to everyone who came to join us, we truly enjoy every moment of the time you spend with us in the studio during our studio events...
thank you so very much for being there.

Of course I included our studio set up on my YouTube this week...it's fun to see it come together along with my thoughts on curating art for the best presentation...after all...
presentation is everything!
Next up is a giant thank you to my subscribers for showing up, even with all my techie issues, and checking out my Artist Blocks during the early release on Wednesday! I'm so happy to say, between the release and the studio show, more than half my blocks found new places to reside! I am so grateful for your support of this artist adventure I get to be on! The rest of the blocks will be heading up to Paso Robles with me next week for my first ever out of town show...finger crossed!
If you want to nab a block before they head out,
I'll add a link below for you to take another look.

Next up...Paso Robles Art In The Park. I'll be joining four of my art pals from San Diego and checking out what it's like doing a show + a road trip. It should be a great time and we are all looking forward to it. So if you're in the area (wine country) and like art too...you'll want to come see us in the park square, right in the middle of town.
That's all I got for you this week my friends...all that and a big giant, sincere, happy...
Thank You!!!
